MacroHaplogroup M has many clades in Africa.

For example, hg M1 is found throughout Africa..

Haplogroup L3(M,N) in my opinion was spread by Khoisan people. These Khoisan people originated in South Africa , but L3(M,N) radiated from Great Lakes region of East Africa across Africa.It is obvious that the TMRCA of L3 and L3(M,N) originated thousands of years before the OoA. This is evident in the dating of L3(M,N) by Fu et al (2013) and Rieux et al(2014)

Most researchers believe the OoA took place between 60-50kya. This is interesting because both Fu et al (2013) and Rieux et al (2014) place the origin of L3(M,N). Fu et al (2013) believes the TMRCA of L3 at 78kya and M,N at 77kya. Gonder et al, dated L3 to 94kya. I have argued that L3(M,N) spread across Africa before the OoA event..

The N lineage is believed to have entered Eurasia via the continental route out of Africa [1]. This hypothesis has been disputed by some researchers [2] because hg N is found in India [3] and Australia [4-5]. This has led to some researchers assuming that there was a single migration of hgs M and N out of Africa [4-8].
Haplogroup N and M originated in Africa.
There was a serial expansion of haplogroup N across Africa into Eurasia [28]. This haplogroup probably originated in East Africa near the great Lakes region around 93.4kya [28]. From Tanzania, Khoisan speaking people probably spread the haplogroup into Ethiopia 80kya and into West Africa 80kya [28]. Sometime before 40kya carriers of haplogroup N from Cameroon and possibly the Senegambia migrated across the Straits of Gibraltar into Iberia [28]. The Khoisan speakers probably spread the Aurignacian culture throughout Europe [14].
As a result, of the early demic diffusion of haplogroup N across Africa before the first anatomically modern humans (AMH) exited Africa 60kya [28], N haplogroups are found throughout Africa. Haplogroups N,N*, N1 and N1a are found within Sub-Saharan groups including Senegambians [9], Tanzanians [10] and modern Ethiopians [11]. Carriers of haplogroup N in Africa speak various languages including Khoisan, Cushitic, Niger-Congo, Afrasian and Nilo-Saharan. In East Africa, we find that 85.5% of the Sub-Saharan African population carry N1 clades, while 14.5% carry one the N subhaplogroup in West Africa. In Egypt 8.8 percent of the Gurma carry hg N1b [12].
The Great Lakes region of East Africa was the center for the spread of haplogroup N across Africa [28]. As a result, it is not surprising to find that African N1a mtDNA haplotypes (minus 16000) include 147G-172-223-248-355 in Tanzania and Ethiopia [1a]. These mtDNA haplotypes are also found in Saudi Arabia, Greece, Russia and Yemen [1a]. The South Indian mtDNA N1a haplotypes (minus 16000) include 147G-172-223-248-295-355 and 147G-172-209-203-248-355 [1a].
Full Paper:
Fu Q, Mittnik A, Johnson PLF, Bos K, Lari M, Bollongino R, Sun C, Giemsch L, Schmitz R, Burger J, Ronchitelli AM, Martini F, Cremonesi RG, Svoboda J, Bauer P, Caramelli D, Downloaded from by guest on August 13, 2014 27 Castellano S, Reich D, Paeaebo S, Krause J 2013b. A Revised Timescale for Human Evolution Based on Ancient Mitochondrial Genomes. Current Biology 23: 553-559. doi: 10.1016/j.cub.2013.02.044.
Adrien RIEUX et al, Improved calibration of the human mitochondrial clock using ancient Genomes(2014).
The research of Rieux et al (2014) and Fu et al (2013) support my research on the origin of L3(M,N). See:;jsessionid=DCFF6E284770BFB8018ABDC42A6FBB80?root=6633 Haplogroups L3(M,N) originated in Africa, and expanded into Eurasia during the OoA exit 50-60kya. This is supported by the dates for the TMRCA of L3(M,N).
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