Above are pictures of Naia of Mexico, the First European and Luzia of Brazil. These ancient humans were all Negroes and show their Khoisan ancestry.
The oldest North American culture is the Colvis culture. There is no archaeological evidence that situate the Clovis people in Siberia (Stanford and Bradley, 2012).Stanford and Bradley (2012) maintain that sites dating between 25, 000-13000 years ago, namely the offshore Cinmar site, Meadowcroft Rock Shelter in Pennsylvania, Oyster Cove on the Chesapeake Bay,Cactus Hill in Virginia, and the Miles Point site have tool kits not found in Siberia. They claim that tools at these site resemble Solutrean tools, not Eurasian tool kits (Stanford and Bradley, 2012). "The majority of the oldest dated sites in the Americas with undisputed artifacts are in the Chesapeake Bay region," wrote Stanford and Bradley (2008); "The artifacts from these LGM sites are technological and functional equivalents of artifacts from the same period found in southwestern Europe and are not technologically or morphologically related to any East Asian technology".
The proposed Solutrean European migration route was unlikely. Westley and Dix (2008) illustrate the European migratory route to America was highly unlikely, and the data indicates that the corridor probably did not exist.
Sailors from Europe attempting to follow the coastline from Europe to Canada between 26-13kya would have had to brave glaziers and Ice Age temperatures far below zero. This would have made it impossible to reach North America safely directly from Europe (Westley and Dix, 2008).

Instead of the paleoamericans migrating from Eurasia, they probably made their way to the Americas directly from Africa (Imhotep, 2011). The voyage from Africa-- is a shorter distance to the Americas than Europe. In addition, paleoamerican sailors could have made their way to the Americas on Currents, especially the Gulf Stream, that regularly flow from Africa, to the Americas.
Paleoamerican sites date between 65-10kya (Guidon and Arnoud, 1991; Guidon and Delibris, 1986, Guidon et al., 1996; NYT, 2015; Winters, 2014). This suggests that paleoamericans probably made several migrations from Africa. The first paleoamericans settled South America between 65-25kya (Guidon and Arnoud, 1991; Guidon and Delibris, 1986, Guidon et al., 1996; NYT, 2015). A second paleoamerican migration took amh into North America, Brazil and Mexico 22-10kya. This second migration would have included the ancestors of Luzia and Naia.
Today archaeologists have found sites from Canada to Chile that range between 20, 000 and 65, 000 years old (Imhotep, 2011; Guidon and Arnoud, 1991; Guidon and Delibris, 1986, Guidon et al., 1996; NYT, 2015). There are numerous sites in North and South America which are over 35, 000 years old. These sites are the Old Crow Basin (c.38, 000 B.C.) in Canada; Orogrande Cave (c.36, 000 B.C.) in the United States; and Pedra Furada (c.45, 000 B.C.) (Imhotep, 2011). Given the fact that the earliest dates for habitation of the American continent occur below Canada in South America is highly suggestive of the fact that the earliest settlers on the American continents came from Africa before the Ice melted at the See: https://www.academia.edu/17137182/THE_PALEOAMERICANS_CAME_FROM_AFRICA .
We want to learn
Travel from equatorial Africa to the Carribean Sea is still passively made by fishing boats accidentally caught in the West bound equatorial Atlantic current. This seems a higher probability for multiple occurrences than cold water travel along the north Atlantic sea ice in the opposite direction of the Gulf Stream.
Travel from equatorial Africa to the Carribean Sea is still passively made by fishing boats accidentally caught in the West bound equatorial Atlantic current. This seems a higher probability for multiple occurrences than cold water travel along the north Atlantic sea ice in the opposite direction of the Gulf Stream.
What does "salutrean" mean? What is "salutrean culture"? We want to learn
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