Sunday, August 4, 2024

Afrocentric Social Science Revolutions that Changed the Africalogical World View

 Afrocentric Social Science Revolutions that Changed the Africalogical World View

Considerable progress has been made in the africalogical research of ancient history (DuBois, 1965, 1970; Diop, 1974,1991; Winters 1981\1982, 1991, 1994), classical studies (Parker, 1917, 1918) and the role of Blacks in ancient Indo-China and China (Winters, 1985) over the past 90 years. Marcus Garvey (1966) and DuBois (1965,1970) had a tremendous influence in the study of ancient Black history.


Marcus Garvey with the founding of the UNIA attracted many africalogical researchers to his organization. Some of these researchers wrote articles for the Negro World newspaper. These scholars formed the foundation for the africalogical scientific community including C.G Woodson, J. A. Rogers, William Ferris, George W. Parker and Arthur A. Schomberg.

In addition to members of the UNIA playing a prominent role in the precision of prediction of the africalogical paradigm we find that afrocentric researchers belonging to the Hamitic League of the World (HLW), also contributed greatly to the enhancement of the "Ancient Model" and the ASAH paradigms at the turn of the 20th century. John Albert Williams founded the HLW. Two its most prominent members include G. W. Parker (1917,1918) and A.A. Schomberg (1925).
G.W. Parker greatly expanded the ASAH paradigm for classical study by providing a focused study of the role of blacks in Greece. Parker (1917) identified these ancient Afro-Greeks as Pelasgians. He also used linguistics to illustrate that the names of many Greek heroes betrayed there African, not Indo-European origin. In addition, Parker gave us the most detailed discussion of Blacks in India up to his time (Parker, 1918).

The second major confirmation for the "Ancient Model" of history was made by DuBois (1965,1970). In the Negro published in 1915, DuBois explained the African presence in Egypt and ancient Kush and a comprehensive analysis of the West African empires.

W.E.B. DuBois (1924) also firmly placed the presence of Blacks in America as a legitimate research area for africalogical researchers. In The Gift of Black Folks, discussed the Black presence in ancient America, including European references to Pre-Columbian Blacks, and the influence of Africans on the Amerindian religions (DuBois,1924). The confirmation of this paradigm was made by ( Clegg, 1975; Lawrence, 1962; Thompson, 1975; Winters, 1981\1982)

In The World and Africa, DuBois (1965) provides a full explanation of the role of Blacks in the early world. He explains the history of Blacks in China and India (pp.176-200); Blacks in Europe(the Pre-Indo-European Greeks and during the Dark Age of Greece), and Asia Minor (pp. 115-127), and the Egyptian foundation of Grecian thought (pp. 125-126).

The major revolution in the ASAH was the research of Diop (1974, 1991). Diop, a Senegalese expert on Egyptian and African history made important contributions to the ASAH paradigms, including:

1) clarification of the African role in Egypt;

2) proved positively that the West African people formerly lived in close proximity to the Egyptians who were in many cases their ancestors;

3) made Mdu Neter the Egyptian language the classical language for ancient africalogical research; and

4) developed the genetic model as the major paradigm in the ASAH (Diop, 1991).

In general, Diop (1974, 1991) caused an africalogical social scientific revolution because he was able to prove that Egypt was the archetypical civilization for many West Africans. This was an important discovery because almost all of the slaves that were sold in the United States had originally came from West Africa. Verification of the Egyptian origin of West Africans provided African Americans with relationship to the ancient Egyptians.
Moreover, Diop's use of linguistics, and anthropological evidence to confirm the African origin of Egypt eliminated the need for africalogical researchers to use the classical writers to prove the African origin of Egypt (Diop, 1977, 1978, 1981, 1986, 1987, 1988). This finding by Diop has led africalogical researchers to seek a better understanding of African philosophy through an interpretation of Egyptian philosophy. Moreover, africalogical researchers have also began the reconstruction of the Paleo-African language used by Blacks in prehistoric times (Anselin, 1982, 1982b, 1989; Winters, 1994) so that we will know more about the culture and civilization of the Proto-Africans.

The last major confirmation of the ASAH paradigms was made by Clyde Ahmad Winters (1977, 1979, 1981, 1983a, 1983c, 1983d, 1984, 1985) when he expanded our understanding of the role of Blacks\Africans in Indo-China, India and China; and the ancient literacy of Blacks (1979, 1983d, 1985c, 1986b). The major work of Dr. Winters is Afrocentrism: Myth or Science .

To conduct Afrocentric historical and anthropological research Dr. Winters uses the genetic model of historical research. Dr. Winters outlines these methods in his article “ Ancient Afrocentric History and the Genetic Model”, in Egypt and Greece, edited by Molefi Kete Asante and Ama Mazama

C. Anta Diop is the founder of modern Afrocentricism . Diop (1974,1991) laid the foundations for the Afrocentric idea in education. Diop (1974, 1991) has argued that the genetic model can be used to explain the analogy between ancient African civilizations. There are three components in the genetic model: 1) common physical type, 2) common cultural patterns and 3) genetically related languages (Winters 1989a). Diop over the years has brought to bear all three of these components in his illumination of Kemetic civilization (Diop 1974,1977,1978,1991). Dr. Winters took these components of the genetic model to explore the history of Black and African civilizations around the world.

Gates, like most Afro-Americans in the Academe are afraid to present an Afrocentric view of African and Black history for fear of losing their jobs or being ostracized by white colleagues.

Many Eurocentrist believe that African-Americans should only write about slavery and leave the writing of ancient history to more "qualified" scholars. Moitt (l989) observed that:"The limitation has come about of the bias in historiography. The central problem is that historians have made plantation slavery and its effects in the Americas their sole preoccupation. And they have persuaded their students to do likewise. The damage this has done is incalculable. Blacks viewed their history and, by extension that of Africa in terms of slavery".(p.358) This is why Gates concentrates in the Great Empires of Africa, of civilizations influenced or recognized by Europeans, instead of using the archaeological evidence to influence his review of African history.

Moitt (l989) believes that this desire to deny blacks a role in ancient history is the root cause of white opposition to Diop. He wrote that: "All of this raises the question of historical methodology and goes to the heart of the matter of Diop's isolation....To what must we attribute this negation of Diop? The negation goes beyond the artificial division of the African continent at the Sahara desert and hinges on Diop's ideas the most contentious of which is that the ancient Egyptians were Blacks. In this respect, the negation is not of Diop alone, but formation, Bantu migration, Islam and the slave trade are seen as major problems in African history, the debate over Egypt is stifled" (Moitt 1989,p.358).

Dr. Winters using linguistic, anthropological and historical evidence, he proved that the earliest cultures of China and Indo-China were founded by Blacks from West Africa and modern Ethiopia (Winters, 1979, 1983d, 1985c, 1986b). The Black Civilizations of Asia are also discussed in this book The Ancient Black Civilizations of Asia.

Winters also made it clear that the earliest Japanese were Blacks and that Japanese is related to Mande/African Languages (Winters, 1979, 1981, 1983a, 1983c, 1984). In addition he was able to prove that the founders of Xia and Shang were of African and Dravidian origin (1983c,1985c).

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Using the findings of Wiener in regards to the writing of the Olmecs Winters discovered that the Blacks from West Africa left numerous inscriptions written in the Manding language (Winters, 1977, 1979, 1983a, 1985b) . Dr. Winters explains the Olmec-Mande connections in [b]Atlantis in Mexico
 and African Empires in Ancient America.

Winters later discovered that due to the cognition between the Mande writing and ancient scripts used by the Minoans and Indus Valley he could read the Indus Valley Writing and the Linear A inscriptions (1985b). Dr. Winters has written a detailed grammar and dictionary of the Indus Valley Writing and the Mande origin of the Minoan Linear A .

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This africalogical research by Winters (1981/1982, 1983b, 1983d, 1989a, 1991, 1994) made it clear that the first civilizations in Indo-China and China were founded by Blacks. He has also proved the lie to Hume's (1875) claim that Blacks have "No literacy" and "No letters".

Today genetics research is used to support population migrations. Dr. Winters has began to publish numerous articles on on the genetic history of Black and African people.


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Wednesday, March 27, 2024

"The God Table: A New Origins Theory of Religion and Civilization" written by Howard Barry Schatz, published by Archaeological Discovery, Vol.10 No.4, 2022

 According to   Howard Barry Schatz:    "Dorothy Garrod’s Canaanite Natufians would have been living in Middle Eastern caves since 13,000 BCE, more than 3000 years before the Holocene period began (ca. 9700 BCE). Soon after it began, Natufians would have emerged from their caves to begin construction on Göbekli Tepe. "


The writings of 1st century historian Flavius Josephus describe Adam’s vision of the earth’s destruction by flood and flame. Josephus also implies that Enoch, the first holy man and scribe, carved the Razah D’Oraytah (Secret of Knowledge) into stone pillars to preserve this Knowledge for posterity after the prophesied flood. This article introduces evidence that the archaeological discovery of Göbekli Tepe on the Turkish plains of Haran, inadvertently uncovered these legendary “Pillars of Enoch.” This article endeavors to decipher the Enochian “Secret of Knowledge” that is carved into the pillars and architecture of Göbekli Tepe as history’s first theological and mathematical “treatise.” This challenges Assyriologist Samuel Noah Kramer’s assertion that “Sumerian men of letters developed no literary genre comparable in any way to a systematic treatise of their philosophical, cosmological, and theological concepts.” (Kramer, 1981: p. 79). This explains why Abraham’s father Terah longed to spend his final years in Haran, and why he named one of his sons Haran. What ties Enoch’s pillars to Göbekli Tepe are the revelations carved into its pillars and architecture. The one text capable of revealing these secrets is the Sefer Yetzirah: The Book of Creation, the only text attributed to Abraham. This text encrypts an ancient mathematical table known as the “231 Gates” (or “God Table”), which provides the underlying structure of the Abrahamic/Mosaic Word of God,  as well as Enoch’s Word of God,  Both “Words” are rooted in the Luwian hieroglyphics for “God” and “Gate” that are carved into Göbekli Tepe’s “Blueprint of Creation.” This suggests that the pivot point between pre-history and history can be moved from the 4th millennium BCE invention of writing and mathematics to 10th millennium BCE Göbekli Tepe. These Göbekli Tepe revelations, including the DNA of its builders, enable us to trace civilization’s origins back to its Ethiopian founders.

C. Loring Brace, Noriko Seguchi, Conrad B. Quintyn, Sherry C. Fox, A. Russell Nelson, Sotiris K. Manolis, and Pan Qifeng (2005). The questionable contribution of the Neolithic and the Bronze Age to European craniofacial form.


This article indicates that not only were the Natufians closely related to Black Africans, their language was most closely related to the Niger-Congo group


Many human craniofacial dimensions are largely of neutral adaptive significance, and an analysis of their variation can serve as an indication of the extent to which any given population is genetically related to or differs from any other. When 24 craniofacial measurements of a series of human populations are used to generate neighbor-joining dendrograms, it is no surprise that all modern European groups, ranging all of the way from Scandinavia to eastern Europe and throughout the Mediterranean to the Middle East, show that they are closely related to each other. The surprise is that the Neolithic peoples of Europe and their Bronze Age successors are not closely related to the modern inhabitants, although the prehistoric/modern ties are somewhat more apparent in southern Europe. It is a further surprise that the Epipalaeolithic Natufian of Israel from whom the Neolithic realm was assumed to arise has a clear link to Sub-Saharan Africa. Basques and Canary Islanders are clearly associated with modern Europeans. When canonical variates are plotted, neither sample ties in with Cro-Magnon as was once suggested. The data treated here support the idea that the Neolithic moved out of the Near East into the circum-Mediterranean areas and Europe by a process of demic diffusion but that subsequently the in situ residents of those areas, derived from the Late Pleistocene inhabitants, absorbed both the agricultural life way and the people who had brought it.

The questionable contribution of the Neolithic and the Bronze Age to European craniofacial form C. Loring Brace, Noriko Seguchi, Conrad B. Quintyn, Sherry C. Fox, A. Russell Nelson, Sotiris K. Manolis, and Pan Qifeng

 This article supports the African origin of the original Europeans.


Many human craniofacial dimensions are largely of neutral adaptive significance, and an analysis of their variation can serve as an indication of the extent to which any given population is genetically related to or differs from any other. When 24 craniofacial measurements of a series of human populations are used to generate neighbor-joining dendrograms, it is no surprise that all modern European groups, ranging all of the way from Scandinavia to eastern Europe and throughout the Mediterranean to the Middle East, show that they are closely related to each other. The surprise is that the Neolithic peoples of Europe and their Bronze Age successors are not closely related to the modern inhabitants, although the prehistoric/modern ties are somewhat more apparent in southern Europe. It is a further surprise that the Epipalaeolithic Natufian of Israel from whom the Neolithic realm was assumed to arise has a clear link to Sub-Saharan Africa. Basques and Canary Islanders are clearly associated with modern Europeans. When canonical variates are plotted, neither sample ties in with Cro-Magnon as was once suggested. The data treated here support the idea that the Neolithic moved out of the Near East into the circum-Mediterranean areas and Europe by a process of demic diffusion but that subsequently the in situ residents of those areas, derived from the Late Pleistocene inhabitants, absorbed both the agricultural life way and the people who had brought it.

Sunday, April 23, 2023

It is false to claim that Egyptian haplogroups are of Eurasian origin


Recent population genetics articles indicate that many of the haplogroups we associate with Europeans and Middle Easterners were first carried by African or Negro people. This results from the fact that the first homo sapien sapiens had migrated from Africa into Europe. These Negro Civilizations in Europe were: Aurignacian, Gravettian (31-26 ka ), Solutrean ( Spain and France c23-31ka), Magdalenian (France,Germany and Poland 18-15ka), Epigravettian (17-13ka) and the Neolithic (11-5ka). Posth et al (2023) argue that the genome carried by the : Aurignacian(44-31 ka) , Gravettian (31-26 ka ), Solutrean ( Spain and France c23-31ka), Magdalenian (France,Germany and Poland 18-15ka), Epigravettian (17-13ka) and the Neolithic (11-5ka) mtDNA haplogroups U2,U4 and R1b and Y-Chromosome haplogroups Q,R, and J. The population associated with these cultures, based on craniometric measurements were Negroes/African who migrated into Europe from Africa.

Numerous Sub-Saharan skeletons found in Europe (Boule, M., HV Vallois, 1957; Barral,L. & Charles,R.P. ,1963; Caramelli,D.,Lalueza-Fox,C et al, 2003;Verneaux,R.,1926; Diop,A.1974, 1991) . The Aurignacians and the early European farmers fail to share haplogroups found among contemporary Europeans. Ancient DNA found in the ancient skeletons dating back to the Aurignacian period belong to the N haplogroup (Brace, C.L. , Noriko Seguchi, Conrad al, 2006).

The archaeological and craniometric measurements show that the Solutreans were Africans, namely Bushmen or Khoisan. The Aurignacian civilization was founded by the Cro-Magnon people who originated in Africa. They took this culture to Western Europe across the Straits of Gibraltar. The Cro-Magnon people were probably Bushman/Khoi. These Europeans were Negroes.

There have been numerous "Negroid skeletons" found in Europe. Marcellin Boule and Henri Vallois, in Fossil Man, provide an entire chapter on the Africans/Negroes of Europe Anta Diop also discussed the Negroes of Europe in Civilization or Barbarism, pp.25-68. Also W.E. B. DuBois, discussed these Negroes in the The World and Africa, pp.86-89. DuBois noted that "There was once an "uninterrupted belt' of Negro culture from Central Europe to South Africa" (p.88).

The Aurignacian civilization is one of the oldest civilizations in Europe. It dates back to 46,000 years ybp (Demidenko Y.E., Otte M. & Noiret P. (2012) . This is false the earliest sites for Aurignacian are found in Spain. The radio carbon dates for Bugalria, i.e., the Kozarnika Cave, date back to 39-36kya. Earlier researchers claimed that the artifactual material found at the Bacho Kiro cave, dating to 46kya was Aurignacian, but the remains that consist of a pair of fragmented human jaws, is disputed and researchers don’t know whether these were early humans Homo sapiens or Neanderthals.
The first Aurignacians in the Levant date back to 36-34kya from Ksar Akil. The oldest Aurignacian remains come from Iberia/Spain. These sites vary in age from 41kya for the l'Arbreda Cave, and 43kya for Abric Romani, located in Catalonia, Spain.

The dates for the Aurignacian in Europe make it clear this culture spread from west to east. You can also recognize that Aurignacian appears not to have reached the Levant, until 11ky after it was established in Spain.

These dates for sites where amh were found in Western Europe make it impossible for claims of U6, M1 and etc., originating prior to 32kya in the Levant and entering Africa via a back migration 40kya.

Many researchers believe that the Aurignacian culture entered Europe from the Levant. Although this view has been accepted without challenge, the archaeological evidence indicates that AMH replaced Neanderthal during the Aurignacian period in Europe around 32-35kya (4). It is also evident that archaic humans were replaced in much of the Levant by the Levantine Aurignacian culture bearers by a local variant of the technology at Ksar Akil Xlll-Vll 32kya , not 60-50kya(4-6 ) as assumed by many researchers..
The research indicates that this view is false. The archaeological evidence makes it clear that ‘classic Aurignacian’ began in Iberia and expanded eastward across Europe ( Boule, M., HV Vallois, 1957; Barral,L. & Charles,R.P. ,1963; Caramelli,D.,Lalueza-Fox,C et al, 2003;Verneaux,R.,1926; Diop,A.1974, 1991).
The Aurignacian civilization appears to have expanded from West to East (Diop,1974). The founders of this culture came from Africa (Boule and Vallois, 1957). Some researchers have argued that the Aurignacian culture was introduced to Europe(Bordes,1972 ; Lindly et al, 1990). They based this conclusion on the fact that its tool kit was foreign to the Mousterian type, and the culture appears in a mature form throughout Europe from France to Central Europe ( Mellars, 1992,2006; and Bordes, 1972 ).

The craniofacial evidence makes it clear that the Levantines and Aurignacian population came from Africa (Boule, M., HV Vallois, 1957; Barral,L. & Charles,R.P. ,1963; Caramelli,D.,Lalueza-Fox,C et al, 2003;Verneaux,R.,1926; Diop,A.1974, 1991). As a result we find that craniofacial features of the Grimaldi-Cro-Magnon population(8) and especially the Natufian populations when plotted fall within the range of Sub-Saharan populations like the Niger-Congo speakers ( Brace,2006) .


Many researchers have recognized that the Solutrean culture of Iberia probably originated in Africa(Burkitt, 2012; Childe, 2001; Debenath et al.,1986; Debenath and Dibble, 1994; Tiffagom, 2007). It is the mainstream view of Spanish prehistorians that the Solutrean culture originated in Africa (Pericot,1950). Boule and Vallois (1957) noted that ancient tool kits found in South African burials along the coast are associated with the Solutrean industry.
Pericot (1950, 1955) believed that the tanged points at the Parpallo site of the Solutrean were of Aterian cultural origin. Burkitt (2012) said that there were Algerian tools similar to the Solutrean tool kit. Gordon Childe (2009) claimed that the North African and Spanish populations that used the Solutrean tools were in direct communication. By the 1960’s, though, Smith (54) was able to reject the hypothesis of an African origin for the Solutrean culture.

Boule and Vallois in , Fossil men : elements of human palaeontology, noted that "We know now that the ethnography of South African tribes presents many striking similarities with the ethnography of our populations of the Reindeer Age. Not to speak of their stone implements which, as we shall see later , exhibit great similarities, Peringuey has told us that in certain burials on the South African coast 'associated with the Aurignacian or Solutrean type industry...."(p.318-319). They add, that in relation to Bushman art " This almost uninterrupted series leads us to regard the African continent as a centre of important migrations which at certain times may have played a great part in the stocking of Southern Europe. Finally, we must not forget that the Grimaldi Negroid skeletons sho many points of resemblance with the Bushman skeletons". They bear no less a resemblance to that of the fossil Man discovered at Asslar in mid-Sahara, whose characters led us to class him with the Hottentot-Bushman group.

Posth et al (2023) explains that Gravettian Culture was a Pan-European culture that represented a “biologically homogeneous population on the basis of craniometric ( which I have illustrated prove they were Negroes/Africans) and genomomic data during the Last Glacial Maximum (LGM). Posth et al (2023) illustrates that Gravettian Culture was widespread and made up primarily of Goyet Q2 and Villabrium R1 ancestry.

Posth et al (2023) genomic data made it clear that the Blacks who belonged to the Gravettian Culture carried mtDNA haplogroups U2,U4 and R1b and Y-Chromosome haplogroups Q,R, and J (p.122). Posth et al (2032), explained that the Western hunter-gather (WHG) population belonged to Villabruna ancestry, while the Eastern hunter-gathers (EHG) ancestry was haplogroup Q.

In summary, the first modern homo sapiens came to Europe from Africa as pointed out by Boule and , DuBois and Diop make it clear the craniometric data indicated this population was Negro or African. These populations founded the Negro Civilizations in Europe that included: Aurignacian(44-31 ka) , Gravettian (31-26 ka ), Solutrean ( Spain and France c23-31ka), Magdalenian (France,Germany and Poland 18-15ka), Epigravettian (17-13ka) and the Neolithic (11-5ka).

Since thefist populations in Europe that came from Africa carried mtDNA haplogroups U2,U4 and R1b and Y-Chromosome haplogroups Q,R, and J, these haplogroups had probably first originated in Africa, instead of Europe. And as a result, mtDNA haplogroups U2,U4 and R1b and Y-Chromosome haplogroups Q,R, and J that appear in Egypt and Europe are of African, not Eurasian origin.


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Tuesday, January 25, 2022

R1 haplogroup an ancestral genetic signature of East Asia

  In addition to craniometric evidence we also have genetic evidence for the African origin of the Chinese.

      The genotype data provides clear evidence of the phylogenetic relationship of  Africans and East Asians. It is clear that African derived haplogroups R1b1, E, DE and R1b1b2 are found in East Asia. Y-haplogroup is found among many Chinese Muslims or Huis.

There is evidence of R1 in East Asia. Zhong et al (2011) reported a number of y-chromosome markers in East Asia including R1a1 (29.41%0, R1b* (3.2%), R1b1b2 (1.6%) and R2 (3.21%).

It is interesting to note that Zong et al (2011) tested for the M335 marker which was first discovered in Turkey and classified as R1b. The M335 marker is a brother clade to R1b1* (M343+V88-M73-M269). This is interesting because R1b1* pursuant to ISOGG is R1b1 or V88.


Zhong H, Shi H, Qi XB, Duan ZY, Tan PP, Jin L, Su B, Ma RZ. Extended Y chromosome investigation suggests postglacial migrations of modern humans into East Asia via the northern route. Mol Biol Evol. 2011 Jan;28(1):717-27. doi: 10.1093/molbev/msq247. Epub 2010 Sep 13. PMID: 20837606.

Saturday, January 22, 2022

Anzick and Luzia People are related


Posth et al (2017) in their genetic study noted that “  Genome-wide analysis of 49 Central and South Americans up to  11,000 years old d Two previously unknown genetic exchanges between North and South America d Distinct link between a Clovis culture-associated genome and the oldest South Americans d Continent-wide replacement of Clovis-associated ancestry beginning at least 9,000 years ago “.



Some researchers have used this article to claim that the Paleoamericans, the most ancient Native Americans are related to contemporary mongoloid Indians. This view is false. Posth et al, in their study supported the view that Anzick child and Luzia culture folk were related.

Posth et al (2018), did not make this finding. The researchers reported that “The oldest individuals in the dataset show little specific allele sharing with present-day people. For example, a 10,900 BP individual from Chile (from the site of Los Rieles) shows only slight excess affinity to later Southern Cone individuals. In Belize, individuals from two sites dating to 9,300 and 7,400 BP (Mayahak Cab Pek and Saki Tzul) do not share significantly more alleles with present-day people from the region near Belize than they do with present-day groups elsewhere in Central and South America. In Brazil, genetic data from sites dating to 9,600 BP (Lapa do Santo) and 6,700 BP (Laranjal) show no distinctive shared ancestry with present-day Brazilians (Figures 2 and S1Table S1)”.. The authors added, “The distribution of this statistic f4(MbutiTestUSR1Anzick-1) confirms previous findings that Anzick-1 relatedness is greatest in Central and South Americans and lowest in North American groups” noted that “(Posth et al, 2018).

As a result, there was no continuity between Paleoamericans and modern Native Americans. Posth et al (2018)  noted that “ However, the fact that the great majority of ancestry of later South Americans lacks specific affinity to Anzick-1 rules out the hypothesis of a homogeneous founding population”.

Paleoamericans are related to Australians, Africans or Melanesian, in other words a cranial morphology of the Negro/Black people.

This view was supported by the Posth et al (2018) who noted that  Our finding of no excess allele sharing with non-Native American populations in the ancient samples is also striking as many of these individuals—including those at Lapa do Santo—have a “Paleoamerican” cranial morphology that has been suggested to be evidence of the spread of a substructured population of at least two different Native American source populations from Asia to the Americas”.

Although, some researchers claim that the Paleoamericans came from Asia, this finding is not supported by the genetic evidence that make it clear that the oldest inhabtants of East Asia are not related to the Paleoamericans. Posth et al (2018) wrote “Our failure to find significant evidence of Australasian or Paleolithic East Asian affinities in any of the ancient Central and South American individuals raises the question of what ancient populations could have contributed the Population Y signal in Surui and other Amazonian groups and increases the previously small chance that this signal—despite the strong statistical evidence for it—was a false-positive.”.


Posth C, Nakatsuka N, Lazaridi I, et al. (2018) Reconstructing the Deep Population History of Central and South America.