The Loulan mummy is clearly phenotypically a Black or Negro person given the pigmentation of the mummy. Dravido-Africans had early settled Central and East Asia. The Loulan mummy was probably a Dravidian speaker. The Loulan mummy was found at Xiaole. The DNA of the DNA of the Xiaole people was mtDNA C4 and y-Chromosome haplogroups R1a1a, H and K (Li et al, 2010).
The Loulan mummy was found at Xiaole. The DNA of the DNA of the Xiaole people was mtDNA C4 and y-Chromosome haplogroups R1a1a, H and K (Li et al, 2010).
The Xiaole people mtDNA include many of the Pan-African haplotypes . The HVR1 motif was 16189-16192-163111. Xioale mtDNA hyplotypes include S1(16223) and S2 (16304). Li et al (2010) claim the mtDNA was C4, R* and M*..
The y-Chromosome SNPs were M89,M9,M45,M173 and M198. The y-Chromosomes of the Xiaole people were haplogroups R1a1a, H, and K. These y-chromosome haplogroups are common to the Dravidian and Siddi people in India (Winters,2010).
The Dravidian and Siddi people came from Africa (Winters, 2007a, 2008a,2008b,2010). The Dravidians belonged to the C-group people (Winters, 2007, 2008b). They migrated to Iran and India after 2600BC. The Dravidians carry African haplogroups M1 and y-chromosomes (Winters, 2008b,2010).
The Dravidians were called Yueh and Qing in the Chinese literature. Yueh people founded the Dongson culture of Southeast Asia. In Southeast Asia the Dravidians were called Yakshas or Kamboja (Winters,1986). In China the Yueh people founded the Shang Dynasty.
In conclusion the Loulan mummy was probably of Dravidian origin. The Dravidian origin of the Loulan mummy is supported by the Xiaole DNA that corresponds to Dravidian and African DNA>
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