The New York Times, reported that humans were Brazil 100,000 years ago .
If you would see the New York Times video you would noted that Dr.Nieda Guidon supports her dating of human population in Brazil 100,000 years ago to ancient fire and tool making.
Look at the New York Times video: Human’s First Appearance in the Americas @:
If you view the video you will see that human occupation of Brazil 100,000 years ago is supported by man made fire, e.g., the charcoal, and tools.
Dr. Guidon who conducted excavation at the site notes at 2:09 the site is 100,000 years old. At 3:17 in the video scientists proved that the tools are the result of human craftsmanship . So researchers reject this evidence because it proves that Blacks were here before the mongoloids.
It is interesting that it is becoming clear that people may have left Africa 100kya, instead of 60kya to settle the world. This may indicate that Australians made their way to America before the Khoisan.
Dr.Nieda Guidon hypothesized that man appeared in Brazil 100,000 years ago from Africa. She illustrated that her hypothesis was confirmed by 1) structures to make fire, i.e. hearths,2) stone tools and charcoal was found in the hearths that date back 100kya,3) the Ice Age prevented people from reaching Brazil from Asia, while the winds and currents would have carried people directly from Africa to Brazil.
Since the hypothesis was confirmed by scientific evidence, we can accept her hypothesis as valid and reliable.
The charcoal and tools were found in hearths, not generally on the site of proposed human habitation. If the charcoal and tools were made naturally the entire site would have been burned, instead of just artifacts found in the hearths.We can accept Dr.Nieda Guidon hypothesis because it is normal science to use charcoal recovered from hearths to date a human habitation site.
The question remains why did Africans 100kya discover South America. The best answer is the spirit of adventure and discovery.
At this time Africa was more wetter and the frequentcy of boat engravings in the Sahara indicate Africans had a high boat technology and navigation ability..

100kya there were numerous lakes, rivers and streams in Africa that exited in the Atlantic Ocean. The distance from Lake Chad to Lake Congo was greater than the distance from Africa to Brazil. Any captains and sailors who had traded with cities and towns situated on these Lakes would have been familiar with storing enough foods to last the voyages.[b]
These ancient navigators were probably like Columbus. They may have not known about South America, but they were willing to take a chance to see what lands lay at the edge of the Sea.
We forget that the evidence of boats depicted throughout ancient Africa make it clear people were not afraid of traveling by sea.
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