Here is a page from the King James ,Works, of 1616.
Below is a comparison of a fake engraving of King James.
On the left we have the original engraving, on the right a reproduction. It is clear in this comparison that in the fake engraving the artist has rounded the face of King James and made his lips thinner.The face had to be rounded , and less like the frontal hook nose of Blacks,to make the nose longer and more European.
In doing this the artist present more neck in the fake version of King James than is evident in the original engraving on the left. In addition in this fake reproduction, King James' ear is slanted to accomodate the rounding of the face.
In the original engraving King James moustache is pointing down. In the fake King James engraving James is given a handlebar moustache.
There are other fake paintings used to imply that King James was white. The original:
The Fake King James cover:
Below is an enlargement of the King James Leviathan cover.
This enlargement of the King James’ Leviathan cover highlights the African character of King James. This picture compares favorably with pictures of other Africans/Negroes below is the picture of an Afar Sub-Saharan African.

Afar man
Doesn't it matter that King James' parents were actually White people. Mary Queen of Scots and Henry Stuart. The entire argument for a Black King James comes from renderings from lithographs and not his actual known heritage. That is unacceptable.
Silly, if James was a " Black European", wouldnt that throw into doubt whether one or bith of his parents were Black Europeans as well ??? Use logic.
Hint: The Stuarts were Black Europeans.
White people have never had any real history other than killing robbing stealing and raping cattle so they take black culture and try to turn it white these white animals are the lowest life form on the planet they carry all types of diseases and has started every war on this planet these are truly the devil's children this entire planet was all black white people are mutant Mountain monkeys
Kenny your 100% correct
Kenny your 100% correct
Mary n henry were blk
@kenny Martin.. I couldn't of said it better myself.. Tamahu's time is up on this planet
The ignorance displayed here is almost beyond belief. What evidence do you have beyond a couple of photshopped black and white engravings? I'll tell you - none. You will not be able to find ONE contemporary description of him that describe as anything but a pale coloured, red haired Scot, which he was. Stop trying to insert yourselves into British hisotory as you always get found out with the result that the world laughs at your stupidity.
Please, get real. That original engraving King James, was done by Hendrik Hondius, showing the real James, yet based on an engraving. He is white, clear as day. James, also had red hair, and his mother was part French, also with red hair, and his father, was also a red head. There are dozens of engravings, and multiple paintings, all through his life. You are judging him, on an engraving, and images, that have been faked, doctored, most often, to try and discredit him. He still looks white, regardless. The originals, clearly attest to this. Black extremists, need to stop, with their lies, fallacies, propaganda, about everything. Retards. Faking all history. Pseudo-history. "Afrocentrics" are the pariahs.
The real irony, there was no black presence, in greater Europe, and no evidence, tangible evidence, to anything contrary. Blacks, never ruled, as Nobles, or Royal families, and had no input, other than the Moors, who had no influence, greater Europe. Fallacy. Moors, were left to the Southern regions, Europe, based almost entirely, in Spain, Peninsula, Mediterranean. They were also driven out of their strongholds, in Sicily, Sardinia, Malta, and finally, just left with Granada, Spain. Moors, were eventually, defeated, and finally, expelled, including the Moor Christian converts. Hence, that ended their journey. Nothing beyond that. Just depictions, Moors, in art, relics, ornaments, jewelry, or depicted in (White) European Coats of Arms, or emblems, symbolically, and not literal. All these families, were white, as all greater Europe, and the Moors' heads, were just depictions, like trophies, or some other historical significance. This began, with the Crusades, Holy Wars, to the Middle East, against the Muslims, Arabs, or Moors. Later, the Moor defeat. That is why you see Moors' heads, on European Coats of Arms, or other motifs etc.. Just symbolic, depictions. European dominance, prestige, victory, over either, Moors, Arabs, Muslims. Coats of Arms, are not Portraits. Moors, were not literal, in this sense. However, people, naively, think this implies, they were actual MOORS, and the true bearers? Nah, such is the ignorance, misinterpretation. These families, every last one, were white, European. Moors, were still Muslims, or Christian converts. Moors' heads, may even be shown wearing European regalia, or crowns. Hence, also a mocking. Or, some may either represent, a free slave, the slave trade, or some other historical significance. Perhaps, some semblance, Saint Maurice? Moors, were a novelty. There was no Moor presence, integration, or Moors, as originators, or Nobles, or families, in Europe, and they never established, or dominated anywhere, and had no influence, nor in ancient times, or more modern. Blacks, Africans, were not central to European life. Or, they were slaves, or freed slaves, or something else. Or, used as shipmates. Mere exceptions, blacks, Moors, Africans, in European life. Always, for good reason. The same, EUROPE, has lots of Religious art, iconography, that many show, darker, or African-type peoples, or black people, symbolically, or based in myth, or related, Coptic Church etc.. Yet, generally, also, based on North African Saints etc.. or, among, Middle Eastern themes.
After reading these comments, I can tell, you people, are naive, arrogant, and confused, as badly as Mr Winters. Pushing this naive agenda, propaganda. Fallacy. Nah, Europe, has an immense history, far greater than any of you idiots, quite realize. It extends, vastly, and also ancient, as the peoples, localities, or as it relates, more ancient times. Sorry, you are fools. To the point, bigots. Narrow-minded, imbeciles. You want so to be Europe, it is ridiculous. Everything can be explained, or interpreted. Never what you think. You take things, too literal, and miss the finer print. You only see, what you are conditioned, or indoctrinated to see, believe and your mindless propaganda, agenda, thinking, blacks, or Africans, or Moors, were even that remotely significant. Well, sorry, they were not. Not even a fraction. Almost everything, can either be explained, debunked, corrected, contested, refuted, and set correct. You people are always wrong, always mindless, naive, impressionable. The same, you were never Europe, so, please, just quit.
As of today archeologists found the skull of the first European. black man. With blues eyes. And straight hair.
Why are you so upset?
Terror seized upon the native Portuguese Jews, when they helplessly beheld the cruelties to which their Spanish brethren were subjected. They knew they, themselves, could not escape the WRATH of THE CHURCH much longer, and they thought of flight, and well had it been for them had they made their escape then. While they were making secret preparations, John II. died, 1495. He had been afflicted, on the very day when the SHIPS, laden with the JEWISH EXILE CHILDREN, set sail for "The Isle of the Condemned Criminals(Sao Tome Saint Thomas)", with a strange, painful malady, and had lingered ever since.
The Jews and Moors in Spain
By: Joseph Krauskopf
The Caucasoid didn't appear on Earth's timeline until approximately 6,000-8,000yrs ago. The Greek and Roman Civilizations were predominantly Black and Brown before 1,300bc. Thomas Cromwell destroyed over 95% of art depictions of Black British rule, this included printed, historical, documentation. Even the Bible tells us what you Devils would, and have done.
1 Maccabees 3:48
And laid open the book of the law, wherein the heathen had sought to paint the likeness of their images.
You can apply that scripture to your damnable attempts at revisionist history. You've been conditioned, and taught to believe that Black people were slaves whom you domesticated which is BS. Had it not been for the Spanish Moors your people would've been left to coexist with neanderthals whom you fucked. It's in your DNA that we inherited due to your ravishing of indigenous women. Abraham I shall bless all families and nations of the Earth through your seed, because Esau's a damn whore who's gonna fuck Everything including Lassie. You didn't bring millions of us from Africa on slave ships,we were already here. Reality is gonna bite you in the ass, I suggest you grow one. Does it pain white people to know Amadeus Mozart was a Black Moor? Hell yeah!!! 2 Black brothers invented the automobile not Henry Ford, Thomas Edison was a con-artist like trump who took the credit and all of the wealth generated from the inventions done by blacks, he was dumb as hell. Alexander Graham Bell stole the invention and parented the telephone that was the hard work of a Black slave. A Black man is responsible for the modern computer, and a Nigerian Black teen innovated; hell created the Internet not Steve Jobs and apple or Bill Gates and Microsoft. Your Greek and Roman philosophers studied in Alexandria and Timbuktu before your people destroyed these Civilizations burning them to the ground. Alexander the Great Bitch plagiarized Black philosophers giving the credit to round headed dip shits like Plato. Imhotep, the Egyptian high priest was recognized by the Greeks as the father of medicine, not Socrates. God is about to go pour His Spirit on all flesh you jackass's. Our sons and daughters will prophecy, and you fuck ups will suffer as we have at your hands. Ain't life a bitch.
Look farther the original picture has written around the picture it reads Hibernia which come from the word beer which Abraham farther come which mean Hebrew also it is Scotland from a Egypt pharaoh daughter Scotia
Eber not beer
Also king James was against the English aka Rome white Washing the image
In 1565, Queen Mary was married to a Scottish man of the royal family who was called Darnley. Darnley was killed in 1567 by the white rivals of the Queen, but he had left Queen Mary a male heir of her own lineage. James the 6th was, therefore, the son of a black man. This means James the 6th being a son of a black man probably looked no different from any black man we see today. When Mary produced a black heir, she undid the generations of genetic whitewashing that the whites had forced the Scottish kings to succumb to. In 1603, King James the 6th of Scotland was crowned King James the 1st of England.
Scotland, England and Ireland were now all under his rule
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