EVER WONDER WHY THE "BLACKFOOT" were called the Blackfoot?
Blackfoot warrior, (Karl Bodmer, between 1840 and 1843)
A Moorish military musician in Berlin by Peter Schenk (c. 1690)
(He,he,he: anyone see anything "Moorish" about him?). Albinos just can't stop lying - just look at lioness!
P.S. the last of the Moors were driven out of Spain in 1492.
Peter Schenk Dutch Painting of the Yamassee War
A Dutch view of the Yamasee War. The full title, translated from the Dutch, reads "The gruesome attack of the Indians on the English, in Carolina, West Indies, on 19 April 1715
Von Reck's drawings
The supreme commander of the Yuchi Indian nation, whose name is Kipahalgwa
Indians going a-hunting
An Indian Camp
NKS 565 4º: Von Reck's drawings
"In 1736, Philip Georg Friedrich von Reck, then only twentyfive years old, sailed with other colonists from Germany to Georgia. One of his intentions, expressed in a letter before he left Europe, was to bring back from America "ocular proof" of what he called "this strange new world." Idealistic nad enthusiastic, welleducated and blessed with an amazing artistic gift, von Reck kept a travel diary, wrote separate descriptions of the plants, animals and Indians he discovered in Georgia and drew some fifty watercolor and pencil sketches of what he saw. [...]
These drawings, accompanied by von Reck's writings, are important as history, science and art. As history, they give us a new and absolutely unique glimpse of Georgia as it looked when the first Europeans settled there. [...] As science, von Reck's natural history drawings represent the earliest records of several plants and animals. [...] Von Reck's drawings and writings are especially important for the light they shed on Indian life. The drawings show in detail their costumes and equipment, houses and activities. [...] As art, von Reck's drawings are as fresh, intimate and alive on the paper as the day they were drawn."
(Extract from 'Introduction' to VON RECK'S VOYAGE. Drawings and Journal of Philip Georg Friedrich von Reck. Edited by Kristian Hvidt. With the Assistance of Joseph Ewan, George F. Jones and William C. Sturtevant. The Beehive Press, Savannah 1980.)
In this net edition all the aquarelles and drawings in von Reck's sketch book (36,5 x 28,8 cm) and all other drawings in the collection NKS 565 4º have been reproduced. For further information on and description of the drawings and their background the book mentioned above is recommended.
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